
Thursday, January 26, 2012

aku bengang!


aku da fed-up..


maybe lepas ni aku ley tulis beso2 kan..

"ape kena lak dak ni?meroyan ke ape?"

aku tau sesape yang headline tu mesti ayat macam ni muncul kat kepale korang kan..?kan?

siyesly beb..

sape yang xnak ade pakwe..?
sape yang nak lepak kat McD sensorang while sume orang kat keliling sibok berkepit ngan pakwe..?
sape yang xnak rase hepi tetiap kali bace sms kat hp?
sape yang xmo letak 'in relationship' kat fb..?
sape yang xmo dengar orang cakap 'ANGELINA JOLIE kalah,awak lagi cantik'...huh??

aku pon nak.

korang tau x susah nak cari pakwe..bukan main pakai sauk pakai je..sampai pakai rembat je..

aku da bosan bile sume orang nak masuk campur hal ni..let it be..know what..aku agi risau n sedey bile xde pakwe..n i keep on meeting and admiring the same type of jerk...i am totally sick of it..sick of people see me like i'm a loser..sick of all those jerks..sick of all guessing..

so arini aku nak wat iklan la ye..pernah tengok xiklan kat surat kabo part yg iklan jawatan kosong..


special boyfriend-soul-mate for MAT

* 20's
*sedap mate memandang
*at least tinggi dari ak
*ade duit
*honest to me n to himself

p/s:yg lain aku evaluate sendiri.

ade yang berminat ke?

mood bengong menguasai kepale..otak penat kene tibai ngan YOT n AZLI..hampeh..perang sycho..hate it..

Monday, January 23, 2012

gemersik kalbu..

ari kedua cuti..adoi..bosan.

da penat baring..aku bangun..nak gi melepak..xde geng..nak gi jejalan sesorang..malas nak nek la padah xde lesen..lau aku tau..dulu lagi aku amek lesen..

mak aku pon da bising sebab aku dok terperap je kay umah..mak aku siap bagi offer aku keluar jejalan..masalah nye..aku xde geng nak gerak..skang ni..lau aku da bosan sangat..aku ikot je mak aku gi memane..tu pon mak aku bising..camne nak buat mak..orang single..camni la..nak wat camne dak..
MR.DRAGON..u r amazing enough.. =)

so..tadi petang aku layan drama kat tv..GEMERSIK KALBU..penah dengar x? aku baru dapat tau yang cite ni is one of the adaptation from a novel..aku rase aku pernah bace novel ni..dulu la..aku pon da lupe camne cite ni..

bile tengok drama ni..aku teringat ape yang membe aku selalu cakap..

"mat,cite hidop ko ni lau buat novel..mesti bestseller..lau wat movie mesti kalah ombak rindu"

hahaha..macam2 kan..

ok.lau my life is like a novel..emm..yang penting aku nak setiap watak lelaki dalam novel tu my life..setiap lelaki yang muncul mesti xbape nak ensem..tapi..hopefully watak utame novel aku ni..lelaki yang setara cam Mr.Dragon aku..xpon bagi je MR.DRAGON betol2..kekeke..

tapi..bagi aku..setiap orang dalam dunia ni ade cite die sendiri is about a story kan?just..kite xboleh nak tau ape final die..just ALLAH je yang tau ape hujung die..

recently..kat blok umah aku ni..ade 2orang meninggal..sorang nenek n sorang agi budak lelaki umo 16 tahun..surprisingly..both of them died selang bape jam je..nenek tu belah petang..dak lelaki tu malam tu pulak..nenek tu meninggal sebab sakit tue..while that boy..died from an tragic..aku nak share pasal that arwah budak tu je..

mase jenazah dak tu sampai..aku nampak ramai orang datang melawat..kekawan sekola die..sedey aku tengok parents dak tu..ramai kekawan die sedey..yela..kawan kan..makwe die sampai pengsan mase van jenazah bawak jenazah gi kubur..camtula..sedey..yela..all of sudden kan..

maut..semua kan tangan ALLAH kan?xkire lambat or cepat..tue or mude..

bile tengok camni..tetibe aku teringat kekawan aku..aku xmo la..xmo..huhu..tapi..tu kan keje ALLAH kan..tetibe..kalau la..kalau..that jerk..isshh..xmo..heaven forbid..memang aku marah..sangat marah..tapi..biarlah..

deeply..mase aku dengar pasal accident tu..aku terpikir die..look like i am a pathetic person rite? but..there's something inside me keep fighting each other..there's one keep telling me he don't deserve to be forgive..but the other keep telling me to forgive him..but..the pain still and always hurting alter ego win now..

Sunday, January 22, 2012

year of YONG~~!!

tadi aku tengok nightline..baru aku tau..tahun ni..lau ikot zodiak chinese..tahun ni..tahun NAGA..DRAGON..

pastu..dorang cakap yang tahun NAGA ni..tahun life changing..sebenonye banyak gak wartawan tu membebel tapi aku lupe yang lain..yang bab tu je yang aku sempat tangkap..hee..

aku just terpikir je..sebab..xbek nak percaye ngan benda camni..hee..tapi..meh sikit kite komen pasal benda ni..

tadi..mase tengah tunngu nak d/load video kat u-tube aku klik2 r kat result google pasal year of dragon ni..susah gak aku nak paham bacaan zodiak ni..tapi..basically..tahun naga ni bawak good luck gak r..sebab..naga ni memang binatang paling hebat dalam zodiak..n satu lagi statement yang aku tertarik mase aku bace tadi..tahun naga ni bawak luck..either it bad or kene pandai camne nak turn the table..nasib baik ley tukar jadi buruk..n vice versa..

so..pas aku pikir2..aku harap tahun my life changing time la..yela..pas ape yang jadi kat aku this recently..aku rase tu la starting tok hidop aku berubah..this recent incident..change my point of view dalam hidop berkawan ni..well..xsemua kawan ni paham ape erti kawan..n..bile dengan kawan ni..ade masenye..kite xperlu nak mengalah selalu..sebab..bile dapat kawan yang xpaham la jadinye..pijak kepale..
n lagi satu..xsemua gak lelaki muke baik ni baik..sometimes they are more worst than orang yang muke cam perompak or penyangak..(*ni kalau pak ude aku tau pasal blog ni..mesti die bangge)

so..aku hope next stage for my life changing process is i find someone to heal the pain that jerks left to me..someone that can change my point of view about commitment n learn to trust need a dragon to help me for that..hope that MR.DRAGON can change me to someone better..

nak tau sape MR.DRAGON ak?

mr.YONG = mr.DRAGON korean YONG is want YONGHWA being my MR.DRAGON..can?

ěš©~~!! - YONG - YONGHWA

cuti da start!!


cuti da start!! one month from now..hemm..kite nak wat pe ek?tapi..aku da ade waiting list-to-do da for this holiday..

- going to Perak..
- being a house-nanny..tok Adam..
- kurangkan berat badan..

n..for this holiday..we all expecting a new new-born adik..ade adik baby mase umo aku da masok 21 ni..aku memang xbape nak terperanjat sangat la bile aku dukung dak ni nanti orang sibok dok kate die anak aku..hahaha..


da lame kan x exam kn? exam still agi ley handle..tapi..bile bz handle personal probs ni yang susah nak handle..

hee..sje upload yg ni..sebab..ade orang kate ak kurus..hehe..thanx yui..penaik semangat ni..

Friday, January 20, 2012

1st term over!!

ni corporate video tok library UTHM..gempak kan..??

aku tau aku lmbat nak share bende aku kesah...hahaha..

peace..hepi holidayyy!!!


Friday, January 13, 2012

tutti frutti

Ye.aku suke frozen yogurt.

Craving ak nak mkan tutti frutti da lpas pon..sbab ak blik JB kn mnggu ni.kat masai ni mmg ade stu outlet gak ak n adik ak pau mak aku belanje benda alah ni..heeee..

Msok2 je kdai die..aku da terpegun gak sbb interior die lawa..ceria n warm je..hee..arini baru la aku tau..kat tutti frutti ni pki self service..

Canggih gak sbb ni bru 1st time jmpe kdai yg pki konsep cmni kt M'sia..terpingga gak ak jap..nsib bek la budak kat kdai tu kurg gak r segan..hehe..pas pilih2 ak pilih nak amek velvet red nye flvor..sdap stu kat sini..korg amek ikot ske korg nk bnyk mne..100g frozen yogurt tu hage die 5lbih..sbb ak pon xpndai nk agk bnyk mne 100g yogurt tu..ak ter-spent duit smpai rm20..hehehe..

Nsib bek duit mak ak..hehee..lau cmtu la rate die..ak rse next sem la bru ak nk mrase tutti frutti kat BP yg bru bukak tu..heee..

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Thursday, January 12, 2012

new love


Ni la gitar silap..adik lover ak tok sbuln akn dtg..jgn mragam k syg..huuu..

Well..beb..especially yana..ak akn pstikan ak boley men bnde ni..huaaa

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

mat dak innocent??

hailo leng chai!!

apa cita?

apa cita agi bhai..bukak buku study agi la..otak mau rehat tapi mase x bagi lak..entah..haha..

tapi..yang aku pelik..bace camne pon..kepale n otak aku still agi kosong..blank..eemm..maybe..memory aku da penoh kan..normal r..sume benda ade limit kan..xkire camne hebat pon kan..

tapi..xtau nak delete mane satu dalam kepale aku ni..aku rase sume bende penting..sume benda ade value die sendiri..


sampai la just recently..aku da tau nak delete ape dalam kepale aku yang penoh ni..

sebenarnye..bile korang bukak n bace entry aku..then bile tetibe korang mule xpaham ngan hala tuju entry ni..korang ley wat conclusion tok tinggalkan blog ini dengan segera..

bile emosi kite bercampor aduk camni..nak pikir straight pon xdapat..nak mengeluh pon xtau..nak buat ape pon rase agi bagos aku lepak sampai cool..

tapi..kali ni..xdpat lak care nak cool down camne..penat da wat macam2 tapi xdpat gak..hebat gak penangan die kali ni..hebat r bhai..kali pertame dalam sejarah..

aku year camni..dapat la aku tarik nafas lega dari segale masalah yang aku ade sepanjang tahun lepas..tapi..makin meningkat umo aku..makin hebat lak ujian hidop aku ni..lau start tahun pon da kan pulak nak sampai ke ujung nanti..

meh aku share camne aku rase sekarang ni..

sila ambik pisau..then..garit kat jari korang..make sure pretty dalam sikit ye luke tu..then.. squeeze sikit limau nipis kat luka yang berdarah tu..pastu..rendam jari tu kat dalam air garam..pastu..letak jari tu kat iron baju yang tengah panas.. 

macam tu la rase die..da rase..??

tetibe aku terpikir lak..ade sesape ke yang cukup bodoh nak wat cam yang aku mention kat atas tu..mark my word memang xde la bhai..aku pon xmo lau kawan aku soh aku wat camtu..gile ape..

abes tu ape gune korang jadi kawan lau xnak share kesakitan yang kawan korang tanggung??

pasal tu la..aku do my very best tok dorang..sebab aku xmo dorang rase sakit..sebab..bile dorang sakit aku gak yang sakit..

tapi..baru aku tau xsume orang ade pikiran camtu..aku ingatkan aku ni da hebat da..rupenye..aku still naive lagi..bodoh tol aku..selalu yakin yang orang kat sekeliling aku xkan sakitkan ati aku..bodoh btol aku..sebab selalu pikir yang sume orang akan treat same way cam aku treat dorang..

see..naive kan aku??baru aku sedar yang sebenarnye aku ni lebih innesen dari yang aku pikirkan..n rupe2nye aku ni senang nak kene buli rupenye..lembik..isshh..malu bhai..


*minum honey dew.

botol die pon da ade feel cam heineken..hehe

bangge dowh..korang innesen ke cam aku??xkan??aku dak innesen bhai..korang ade ke??xde kan??

last word aku tok dorang..

beb..ko nak treat aku camne pon..nak hentam aku camne pon..wat la bhai..aku rase care camni memang suit dengan ko..ko wat aku sedar yang world is not made from sugar and honey..n make me realize i am not alone to face everythings..i've ALLAH beside me..

so mat..keep your head up..proudly..

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

aku nak main gitar

ok.aku da dapat this year resolution.

selain daripade nak jadi remaje yang baik (hampeh)..aku nak belajar main gitar..

gitar akustik / gitar kapok

yang ni idaman ati..da pakar t..aku rembat yang ni lak..


xde kaitan ngan memane pihak pon ok..sebenonye..da lame aku berniat nak main instrument ni..tapi..keje ter-pending je..sebab..xde mase yang sesuai..kebetulan kat umah aku ade satu gitar terbengkalai kat dalam bilik adik aku..maybe..untuk mem-busy-kan diri aku tok cuti sem ni..aku ley belajo men benda ni..

aku akan the end of this year..i'll become someone who can pluck guitar and play my fevret songs..ermm..maybe kite boley short kan sikit time 2..sblum flight syun mndarat kat KLIA..*sempena die balik M'sia..

antare sebab aku sangat determine nak belajo main gitar ni..

mase kekecik dulu..aku sangat suka dengar akustik
then..sebab..sangat susah nak dapat someone yang boleh mainkan aku gitar..xslah lau aku belaja tok wat hidop aku hepi..
btw..ikot history kekawan aku yang jadi pakar ngan gitar ni..sumenye bermula bile ati tengah parah..nak distract kepale otak yang serabot ngan benda mushy2 yang x kemane tu..rembat gitar..try there love!!
lagi satu..aku nak YONGHWA..yela..bile aku da pandai main gitar aku da setaraf ngan die..n..pernah dengar is language kan??so..aku xperlu nak belaja bahase korea..belaja main gitar n maybe aku ley dapat die..*terus bermimpi...

sweet n lovely as ever..

here is my 1st attempt to learn it..

note tok 1st basic lesson..thnx YouTube..


tapi..supposedly..skang ni..di mase aku dok surf nak cari tutorial how to learn guitar..aku sepatutnye cari tutorial camne nak wat full report tok technical writing aku..or else study something that will help me in my final next 2 days..tapi..ape yang aku wat..instead making note for my next paper..i make a note on learning guitar..haiyoo!!


btw.arini mood aku best sebab..aku dapat a good combination of healing drugs..

McD + YoT = laugh hardly.
forget entirely where the pains come

thanx to Yana n Wahid sebab angkut aku gi McD..n thanx to YoT sebab nak layan aku chat..n yeah..make me smile n laugh hardly,bro!!

same x..??cute..n yeah..aku pon da mcam badan panda ni da..moncit..

smile and laugh is a good healer to every miserable.always smile n make world yours!

Monday, January 9, 2012

korang haiwan ape?

pas da siap satu entry tadi..aku terbace benda ni kat FB..


January 01 - 09 ~ Dog
January 10 - 24 ~ Mouse
January 25 - 31 ~ Lion

February 01 - 05 ~ Cat
February 06 - 14 ~ Dove
February 15 - 21 ~ Turtle
February 22 - 28 ~ Panther

March 01 - 12 ~ Monkey
March 13 - 15 ~ Lion
March 16 - 23 ~ Mouse
March 24 - 31 ~ Cat

April 01 - 03 ~ Dog
April 04 - 14 ~ Panther
April 15 - 26 ~ Mouse
April 27 - 30 ~ Turtle

May 01 - 13 ~ Monkey
May 14 - 21 ~ Dove
May 22 - 31 ~ Lion

June 01 - 03 ~ Mouse
June 04 - 14 ~ Turtle

June 15 - 20 ~ Dog
June 21 - 24 ~ Monkey
June 25 - 30 ~ Cat

July 01 - 09 ~ Mouse
July 10 - 15 ~ Dog
July 16 - 26 ~ Dove
July 27 - 31 ~ Cat

August 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
August 16 - 25 ~ Mouse
August 26 - 31 ~ Turtle

September 01 - 14 ~ Dove
September 15 - 27 ~ Cat
September 28 - 30 ~ Dog

October 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
October 16 - 27 ~ Turtle
October 28 - 31 ~ Panther

November 01 - 16 ~ Lion
November 17 - 30 ~ Cat

December 01 - 16 ~ Dog
December 17 - 25 ~ Monkey
December 26 - 31 ~ Dove

If you are a Dog : A very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends, all of them being quality-personified.

If you are a Mouse : Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then!

If you are a Lion : Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. Popular and easy-going. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. People love the way you always treat them. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!!

If you are a Cat : An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.

If you are a Turtle : You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.

If you are a Dove : You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love....

If you are a Panther : You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk. You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group. Very prim and proper. You like all situation and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.

If you are a Monkey : Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!

based on above..aku a Turtle..hehe..kene r ngan check ur birth date..heee..aku suke bile aku tau aku same ngan yang nak bagi aku adiah sile beli..adik beradik TuTu tok aku ye..

TuTu = Me..hiii


Sunday, January 8, 2012

pakwe robot..

directly live from..

atas katil..hahaha..tulis entry sambil baring2 selesa..sambil ditemani cik Ben,Bucang ngn Bubu..dengan otak yang xperlu nak pikir ape2..tersenyum manje..

ye..inilah situasi yang aku harap2 kan sesangat sekarang ni..sebab..ape yang tengah berlaku sekarang..sengat berbeza..

esok nak exam JEPUN beb..tapi..aku..masih begini..di sini..depan laptop..ngadap burger shop..huwaaa!!nape la level ni susah sangat nak score..haisshh..letih r kene ulang banyak kali..ko paham x??apsal la alien ni mkan benda yang susah sangat aku nak wat..leceh tau x??grrrrr..*tekan2 tikus2..hisshh.. la cre aku lepaskan geram tersirat dalam ati perut tengah geram..sebab ape??xyah nak mention la kan..sbab arini sume orang keliling aku ley rase ke-tak-stabil-an mood aku..

semalam..sebelum mood aku berubah..aku sempat layan satu movie korea n satu series jepun..hehe..

you are my pet n absolute boyfriend.

you are my pet : kim ha neul, jang geun seuk

pas tengok 2 cite ni..siyes..tetibe aku nak ade pet ngan pakwe robot..


sesape yang pernah tengok 2 cite kat atas ni..mesti tau cite ni pasal ape..hehe..morale from these stories..pakwe robot agi cool n macho dari pakwe orang..kakaka

pas tengok cite ni..aku pon start pasang angan2 nak cipta pakwe robot..keke..then aku ley set sendiri camne ciri2 yang aku nak kat robot tu supaye jadi pakwe yang terbaek tok wo..tapi yang penting muke robot aku mesti macam mamat ni..

mizushima hiro.. ^^

siyesly..lau ade pakwe muke camni..memang da dpat wat aku hepi da bhai..pastu perangai pakwe robot aku mesti seperti di bawah..

> tahap caring : sikit..
> tahap ego: standard lelaki normal.
> tahap jeles: xbape nak jeles..normal..
> tahap romantik : secukup rase
> tahap funny : able to make me smile n laugh..
> tahap pandai : complement tok tahap pandai aku..
> tahap kaya : emmm..let's say..ade keje yang halal n xbergantung harap kat sesape..
> tahap baran : emm..when necessary je..
> ciri2 tambahan : always there whenever i need someone..make me feel very comfortable..*muke mesti ade features cam mizushima hiro tau..wajib..

hehe..camtu je yang aku nak..simple je..xsusah pon..kan??

so..ade x programmer yang nak programme kan satu robot tok aku..hehe..

kbaikan ade pakwe robot..korang akan rase kurang sakit ati..sebab..robot memang di-program tok wat kite bahagie..xmcam manusia..manusia ade satu benda yang complicated yang robot xde..perasaan..


Saturday, January 7, 2012


well..memandangkan beberape ari ni..aku akan merase sangat free..aku akan bukak blog aku ari2..kakakaka

xdela ari2 sangat..cukup r wat 1 post per je la tempat aku dapat luahkan idea merepek aku..kakaka..

sebenonye aku tengah sibok nak belaja tukar URL blog ni..tapi malas nak ngadap lame sangat tinggalkan dulu..biarla..someday nanti la..

arini..aku spent day kat BP mall..*tu je la tmpat melepak yang convenient kat BP ni..haih..

tengok wayang cite ni..THE DARKEST HOUR

bagi aku yang nak release tensen ni..muvie ni..hurmm..lau korang dak engine yang baru nak release dari ape je yang berkait ngan science physics..better xyah tengok la..sebab..cite ni akan wat otak korang bekerja..

da la ngan visionary problem yang aku hadapi skang ni..n fakta2 physics yang sememangnye da lame aku tinggalkan ni..kesimpulannya..aku xdapat nak catch up ngan cite tengok effect die je..cun..alien tu kool..pkai light je wei..keke..tapi alien tu memang cold-hearted gile..ganas gile die bunuh manusia..sampai jadi debu..jahat abes la..

*sile bace ngan mood yang sangat excited.. 

pas da best cuci2 mate kat BP mall..balik r ape agi nak wat..bukak2 lappy..melangut agi cek FB..tengok blog..isshh..bosan r..

haa!!baru ingat aku ade agi satu cite yang aku x explore yang dok ber-maharaja lela kat dalam pendrive ni..


3 benda yang aku nak sangat skarang..1.McD..2.lari..3.terbang

Thursday, January 5, 2012

wish list 2012

January starting beb!! 2012 moving..

hakikat tahun ni..

I AM TURNING 21..21..21..

terbaek r mat...ko xsedar agi ke yang ko da tue??cbe tengok balik perangai ko skang..r u behaving like an adult now??


so..bile agi nak berubah??hisshh..

aaahh..biaq pi la nak tue ke ape ke..yang penting aku hepi ngan hidop aku..huh..everyone's aging..bkan aku sorang dak??

tahun ni memang sangat mencabar..muncul2 je bulan baru di tahun baru aku xdapat nak tarik nafas ngan sempurna..sebab..FINAL EXAM..despite ngan memacam benda nak jadi..aku tabahkan ati amek exam..n satu permulaan yang baik sebab..tok exam kali ni..paling tak..aku bukak gak r buku..even..xdpapat gak nak jawab se-perfect mane..aku saje je mention kat sini..sebab..xde sape pon nak puji aku rajin belaja..hakhak..even xserajin mane pon..kikiki..

baru malam ni aku ley tarik nafas lega pas 3ari paper aku berderet..isshh..sesak nafas aku..


am i mumbling something that is not important??is it??

sebenonye..pas insiden aritu..aku malas da nak bukak blog ni..bukan ape..well..aku takot particular person will view as someone bad..

*ek eleh..ayat cam ramai je yang view blog ko..macam la ko ni Amalina..ade orang nak hack ko..kahkahkah..

well..i learnt something la..from that not be off guard..hahahaha..n forget about the past..its 2012 already..don't keep on living in 2011..hahaha..

well..pasni lau aku nak luahkan segale perasaan aku..aku kene pandai susun ayat..n need to be more sarcastic..smpai ramai yang xpaham..hahaha..sebab..lau senang sangat nak la jadi die..sampai beku separuh badan cair separuh badan.. nak nangis xdapat nak ketawa xtau..


so..u've got a wish list to-do x for this 2012..??

aku pon xde..tapi..tadi mase aku bukak FB..tetiba..something come out from my mind..

1st n my 2nd wish for this year..i want SP n AVRIL!!!


perghh..dari aku kecik agi..aku selalu dreamt nak gi tengok konsert dorang..n now..aku still agi xdapat nak tengok dorang..huwaaa!!!!!


*whining cam dak kecik..hummm..lau aku spent duit PT aku gi tengok benda ni ley x??

syun n kila..jom tengok dorang..hukhuk

selamat exam sume..history happen..MIS

mood time exam.. :(

Sunday, January 1, 2012




selamat datang 2012..selamat jalan 2011.. 2011 goodbye..

sebelum masuk 2012..aku dapat tau something yang kaki aku lembik bile bace..hearbeat aku naik ngan pantas.. mr.alien..
*aku pon xtau die akan bace ke x entry ni..ngan tangan berpeluh aku menaip ni..

well..aku memang xtau nak cakap camne..sebab aku xtau lak yang aku akan is public kan..sorry sebab mention about u in public..well..frankly speaking..memang aku kecewa..tapi..ko xperlu nak feel sorry pon..sebab..bukan salah ko..n..mase bace sms ko..aku lak yang rase bersalah..sebab wat ko rase serba salah..ape lagi yang aku boley cakap selain aku maafkan ko..lau ayat tu yang ley wat ko rase ok..aku xtau nak explain camne sebab aku takut makin aku jelaskan makin ko rase bersalah..well's hard..yeah..but..still..i am fine..xperlu rase berslah..sebab ko xsalah..anggap je cam mimpi..n pengajaran tok kite..thanx..sebab doakan yang terbaik tok aku..aku pon akan doakan yang terbaik tok ko..enjoy your life more..n selalu hepi ngan pilihan hidop ko..lastly..thanx..thanx tok explanation ko..n..aku mintak maaf tok everything..

so..tu je la..rasenye same panjang ngan sms da ni..sori r..kat sini je aku ley post..sebab..aku xde kdit nk balas sms ko..xde fb nk sent message kat ko..

well..lau ko bace dari awal..aku ade satu nasihat kat ko..

jadi pure x salah..tapi..dalam hidop ni..ade perlunye kite jadi jahat..kadang2..jadi jahat..dapat elakkan hati dan perasaan orang lain terluke..