
Sunday, April 10, 2011


hi alls!!!

how u doing?

well..lau ak lak..mood ak..ermm..maybe ok maybe not r ye..

mlas nk lyan feeling r..pnat r jdi emo2 ni..bkn ad org nk pjuk pon bile kite bad mood ke..sbab ak ni ssah nk pon slalu abandon feeling ak..cehhhh..ayt touching..blah r mat..hahahahaha..

msti lau ad sspe yg terbce blog ni..ssah nk identify feeling ak..btol tu..mne ley tau feeling org trough reading kn???

lau korg ak in real life pon korg akn ad msalah nk tau bile emo ak tergnggu..well..korg xley nk identify mood ak trough my face expression..sbab most of the time mke ak mmg cmni..(comey)..^^

well.. tu r the good at the surface..cry in the bottom..

xpe..tu r bnde yg ak hepi..sbab with that..ak jdi lbey kuat n maybe skit matang..huhuhuhu..

ok..arini nk cite psal ap ek??

eh, mat..yg dok pnjg berjela kat ats tu bkn cite arini ke??

er.r..r..r..x r..tu intro je.


no wonder follower xrmai..

biar r..yg pnting ak hepi..huh..

xpe..arini ak cite stu cite yg agk bangang gak r..last thursday r ea..ok..even da lmbt, ak nk gak cite..hahaha..

ok..cite die cmni..emo tergnggu ak ni..da start since last week sebenonye..tpi xde mse nk post sbab bengang..tu yg mlarat kames aritu ak ad discussion kt library..kbtulan lak mlm tu ad klas kol 8 kat library mlas r nk ptah blik hostel..agpon kat hostel ad msalah ak stay je r kat kampus induk..

then ak lpak kat masjid..ok2..ak tau..ak mmg baik kn??xpe..da rmai yg ckp..

so..pas siap smayang ap sume..ak pon grak r nk gi tnggu bas..mse tu jam da kol 7.30..klas ak start kol 8..lau kire2..pas r smpai kat cucuk duit ak nmpak bas sikun jaya.. are some info..

kat u ak ad 4 jnis bas yg akn ulang alik dlm kampus..xpe..sume free..jgn rsau..xde caj tmbhan ye..

1. bas colourplus-bas ni bas dri hostel ak..perwira..then bas ni akn pusing induk then kuar blik perwira..
2. bas sikun jaya-bas ni  dri melewar..then pusing2 induk pastu blik melewar..
3. bas tmn u-bas ni from hostel tmn u..
4. bas kmpus bndar-bas ni special nk grak dri kmpus bndar gi hostel tmn kelisa n gi kmpus bndar.

so..tgh dok tnggu2..ak nmpk bas sikun jaya..ngn xrse ap2..ak pon nek je r..ngn confident n bngge nye ak r ..msti ak smpai klas awl mlm ni..hahahahahaha..mne r tau dpt extra mark ke...hahahaha

tpi..yg ak plik..apsal bas ni x u-turn msuk induk..tpi die kluar pgar..jgn ckp bas ni nk blik melewar!!!!

ye btol tu..bas ni bkn nk ronde induk tpi nk blik melewar!!!!!!!!!huAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

ak yg kt dlm bas da cm cacing kpanasan da..mklom la..dlm bnyak2 hostel yg wujud under u ak ni..melewar je r ak xprnh jjak kaki ag..da la bas nk gi induk ssah nk dpt kat sini..ngn ak yg xtau nk tnggu bas kt ne ag..dgn mlmnye..haila..msak ak...jeling jam da pkul 7.45..lau bas da grak cmne??kol bpe bru ley smpai induk blik???

mmg sengal..tpi nsib ak baik..sbab mse bas yg ak nek tu bas ag stu tgh standby nk grak kuar..fuhhh..

da la ngn xmndi nye..(xde air ok..) pastu jmpe dak2 klas ak dlm bas..dorg da pndg plik..ap yg ak wat senja2 smpai melewar..da dok dlm bas tu..ak da glak..nk glak kuat2 tpi jap ag org pndg plik lak..hahahahaha..ak story kat mmbe ak..die pnye ayt..

bongok gak dak ni.

so..klaka ke..sdey ke????

ad something yg ak nk translation for lgu yg ak ske dgr lately ni..

If you feel it's a burden that all my senses are focused only on you, I will leave now 
If I made you suffer 'cause I couldn't control my feelings, I will go now 

I was afraid that like a "hook", you might fly away from my side 
I couldn't say "phew..." and rest even for a day 

I didn't know then that I was hurting you with my foolish obsession 
Just know this before you go; that I am a man who only wanted to love you 

So stupid was I, an idiot, a scumbag who couldn't even protect you 
If you stay beside me 'till the end, you'll be more heartbroken, you might fall 

It's a good thing that someone who will set you free will come to your side, will come to your side 
I'm not gonna make any more of trivial excuses, don't look so sad 

With my mouth shut, I only wanted to wish your happiness; I am not that man , no 
With a puff  in the cold wind; I warmed up your cold hands 

Deep within my arms, after a year, we had our first kiss 
I gave myself to you, I always do 

Just know this before you go; that I am a man who only wanted to love you 
So stupid was I, an idiot, a scumbag who couldn't even protect you 

If you stay beside me 'till the end, you'll be more heartbroken, you might fall 

It's a good thing that someone who will set you free will come to your side, will come to your side 

Thank you for giving me happy memories; you go on and don't remember, forget everything 
Don't look at me with worried eyes, I'm fine 

Someday all my heart's wounds will be cured 
Someday I will meet a nice person 


Yeah, forget everything and hurry up and go! 
Before I change my mind and hold onto you 

Out of habit, I might call you without knowing 
hello hello hello hello 

Missing you crazy, even if I'm at your door, be cold
Just know this before you go; that I am a man who only wanted to love you 

So stupid was I, an idiot, a scumbag who couldn't even protect you 
If you stay beside me 'till the end, you'll be more heartbroken, you might fall 
It's a good thing that someone who will set you free will come to your side, will come to your side.

p/s:dislike when u r not in the mood cause my head keep spinning to know what happen to u..dislike when i cant help u..even u dont want to..

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